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It's All Related

Nov 21, 2022

Our two lonely Sonias have Sabrina on the call today, which is such a nice treat. As the ladies are calling in from three different parts of the world right now, Sonia C. wanted to make a note that family time is super important, especially when no one lives in one location. Thanksgiving is happening this week, which often offers a lot of family and friend movement, so how can you remain an empath and intuitive without getting emotionally fried in the process?


This week’s theme is about: Being in high empathic energy during the holidays.  



  • Empaths are sensitive. The holiday season can be a trigger. [1:30] 
  • The ladies remember about the time they took home an iguana and quickly realized their mistake. [5:00] 
  • Sonia C. has a lot of expectations during the holidays and wants everyone to be in a high energetic and positive mood. [7:30]
  • This is a great time to just be giving. [10:50]
  • Sabrina had the impulse of not doing Thanksgiving this year. [17:50] 
  • It’s so nice to have a holiday where you can be grateful. [19:50]
  • Gratitude is really the key to manifesting a new life. [28:00]
  • Tool of the week. [30:40]
  • Question of the week. [33:40] 


Whenever a holiday happens, Sonia C. always has such high expectations. She wants everybody to get along and she just expects that everything will, so when things don’t, that’s when your energy can really get zapped. Holidays are often the most exhausting time for the highly sensitive. 


Empaths are also naturally very giving people. Maybe to the point where they have poor boundaries, but what do you do if you have an energy vampire stuck in your household for the holiday? You give like you naturally do and then say excuse me and go recharge in the bathroom! And then you get to leave and never come back! Just kidding. It’s important to remember to keep pivoting whenever you feel drained. 


Tool of the Week: Anchor into your true spirit before you enter into any family situation.


Question of the Week: Do our guides support us even when I’m having an angry outburst? 


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