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Oct 25, 2022

Sonia T. was ready to be productive, but the moment she sat down to work, the power went out. Is this just bad luck or a sign of something deeper? Sonia T. was so annoyed and really had to train herself out of the negative space she was in. Sonia C. knows the feeling. Something similar happened to her recently and it took her a real moment to get out of the icky frustration she was in. 


This week’s theme is about: Reinvent Yourself and How You See the World



  • What you’re dealing with isn’t drama, it’s the stress and you’re turning it into drama. [6:00]
  • When Sonia C. first came to Paris she was coming out of a really negative situation. Now that the times have changed, don’t hold onto the bad memories. Reinvent them! [7:30]
  • There are a lot of life things blowing up for Sonia C.’s clients right now. No matter how bad it gets, there’s always a solution [11:05]
  • Sonia T. reflects on her own reinvention. [17:00]
  • One of Sonia C.’s strengths is her inner child and she’s going to let her drive the bus for a little while. [23:40] 
  • What does it really mean to reinvent yourself? [30:50] 
  • Never assume you know anyone, including yourself. [32:15] 
  • Sonia C.’s updated course is coming out on Nov 1st! Sign up! [36:55] 
  • Tool of the week. [34:00]
  • Question of the week. [39:30] 


How many times have you let your bad day bleed over and affect the person you’re closest to? Sonia T. found herself in an argument with her boyfriend and she realized that this argument was not only going nowhere, but it was dumb! She realized that she just had to let it go. Sonia C. knows we can sometimes let our own stress turn into drama that doesn’t need to be there. When this happens, recognize it’s just stress and you don’t need to use others as a boxing bag. Breathe and drop it! 


We get into the big poo of certain things in life and we can easily stay in that poo forever. You don’t need to look back on that negative period of your life with bad vibes though. You are in complete control of changing it. Sonia C. was feeling some of these bad vibes when she came back to Paris and she knew she had to take immediate action so that Paris would not be tainted forever with these ‘bad vibes’. She decided to reinvent herself and explore her city with fresh eyes. 


Question of the Week: I get a sinking feeling when I have to do something that’s good for me (like my taxes or eat healthy), how do I know if it’s good for me vs. my intuition telling me not to do it? 


Tool of the Week: Reclaim yourself! 


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