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It's All Related

Dec 6, 2021

We have all three co-hosts on today’s episode as Sabrina joins us from mommy duty. Some intuitives seem to have all the luck and get crystal clear downloads, but despite these glaring messagings coming through, sometimes we just don’t want to hear it, take action on it, and reap the benefits from it. 


This week’s theme is about: Do not ignore the elephant in the room. 



  • Why wait for evidence? The elephant in the room is sending you big messages! [2:45]
  • Don’t ignore your gut feelings. [5:15]
  • Afraid to take action or afraid of conflict? Your spirit and intuition is pushing you to grow. [9:30]
  • A quick message about Sonia T.’s mentor program. [16:25]
  • With feminine energy, with this more sensitive side, you can easily pick up on things more masculine energies can not see. [18:45]
  • How do you reinforce and strengthen your intuition? [26:15]
  • You better speak up than give up your power! [30:40]
  • Tool of the week. [34:45] 
  • Listener question. [37:20]
  • You have to be okay to be a disruptor. [42:15] 


One of Sonia C’s friends has been sensing bad water in her apartment for weeks and she doesn’t want to say anything about it because she doesn’t want people to think she’s crazy. Well, Sonia C. believes you’re better off being perceived a little crazy than being dead! If you keep getting overwhelming signals, you need to stop and listen. Sonia C.’s friend just wants a little more evidence before she starts a fuss, but that’s often when it’s too late to take action! 


Sabrina believes everyone gets intuitive hits in their life, but the point is what do you do with it once you get it. For so many ‘non-intuitives’, they just ignore it, and it gets them into trouble. Sonia T. agrees. Everytime she ignores her gut feeling, she gets caught in the ‘would have, should have, could have’ club. It’s a bad place to be! 


Question of the Week: I hold myself back because I am not sure if my hunches are just impulses. How do I tell the difference? 


Tool of the Week: Better speak up and take out that trash than keep yourself hidden in silence. Don’t lose your power. 


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