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It's All Related

Nov 9, 2020

The Universe speaks to us in signs, symbols and omens that’s how your Spirit talks to you. To live intuitive life, we have to sharpen our perception and recognize them-. Those magic syncronosities -  it’s not coincidence, it’s your guides. It’s important to ask for signs and symbols.  Once we start to notice all the ways the Universe is speaking to us, we open up a whole new world. However, it’s our job to heed the signs and ask for help. This week, the family shares their favorite stories, how our dream state speaks to us, tools to quiet our thinking mind and why paying attention is key.  Learn about signs, symbols, your specific “brand” of guidance -- how to recognize when your unseen helpers speaking directly to you. This week join us for a fun discussion about signs, symbols and we answer the question of the week - when is it time to call in new guides and helpers? Join us this week!