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It's All Related

Aug 24, 2020

The power of the pause - this week, we talk about the power of breaking away from routine and pressing pause. When we pause, we create space to fill up our gas tanks, to reconnect with our imagination and reconnect with our Spirit. When we live in a world that gets obsessed with productivity, often the most important thing to do is take a time out. When our gas tanks are empty, we can easily fall into a pattern of negativity and lose our connection with our creativity and solutions. Sonia C shares how one condition she created at dinner changed a whole conversation and brought joy. 

Sabrina shares why dropping into quiet -even a walk without her phone, creates conditions for a time out, Sonia T tells us why getting off the grid was the best decision she’s made in a while. When we are entrenched in routine, we disconnect from the present moment, from our joy and from our gifts. Scheduling in our breaks and treating them as sacred spaces is more important than ever. Take in the power of a time out - give yourself a break and see how everything changes outside when you give yourself some room to breath on the inside.

